Engineering Perspective

ISSN: 2757-9077

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Modeling and Simulation of Integrated Photovoltaic-Alkaline Electrolyzer System for Sustainable Hydrogen Production


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In this research, the integration of an alkaline electrolyzer system with a photovoltaic (PV) array is explored to facilitate the green production of hydrogen. By directly coupling these two technologies, solar energy is harnessed to drive the electrolysis process, consequently generating hydrogen as a sustainable energy carrier. To enable accurate simulation and analysis of the integrated system, a novel methodology is introduced for identifying and quantifying the various parameters crucial for understanding the electrical behavior of the alkaline electrolyzer system. Through this method, the interplay between the PV array's output and the electrolyzer's operation can be comprehensively captured, allowing for precise modeling of the overall system dynamics. Moreover, mathematical equations are established to provide insights into the anticipated quantities of hydrogen generated by the electrolyzer system under different operating conditions. These equations serve as predictive tools, offering valuable insights into the system's performance and efficiency, essential for optimizing its design and operation. The proposed methodology and equations are implemented and validated using the MATLAB/Simulink environment, a powerful tool for simulating complex systems. By leveraging this platform, the integrated PV-electrolyzer system can be simulated with high fidelity, capturing its dynamic behavior and performance characteristics under varying scenarios. The promotion of renewable energy-based solutions for sustainable hydrogen production is aimed to be facilitated by this research, thereby contributing to the transition towards a greener and more resilient energy future.


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