Aims and Scope

Engineering Perspective is an international gold open access journal.  The journal publishes single blind peer reviewed original papers. At the current state of science, engineering and technology, engineering fields are interpenetrated to obtain innovative results that illuminate the future. By this regard, the Engineering Perspective welcomes papers presenting a new perspective and novel information to science from all engineering research fields. It aims to create a high level platform to contribute the engineering disciplines impacting on life via publishing review and research papers presenting extensive and reliable information on current developments, innovative technologies and discoveries, achievements, challenges.

The Engineering Perspective journal covers all fields of engineering technologies and their multidisciplinary applications. Some of the main engineering fields are as below:

Chemical Engineering

Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

Energy Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Biosystems Engineering

Electrical-Electronics Engineering

Computer Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering

Civil Engineering

Engineering Management

Applied Mathematics for Engineering Problems

Industrial Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Petroleum Engineering



Engineering Perspective
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