Engineering Perspective

ISSN: 2757-9077

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Combustion, Performance and Emissions of Ethanol n-Heptane Blends in HCCI Engine


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the ethanol on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder, port fuel injection HCCI engine was investigated. 15% ethanol and 85% n-heptane were blended. N-heptane was used as reference fuel. The experiments were performed at 1200 rpm and fix inlet air temperature of 6 oC. The parameters such as in-cylinder pressure, heat release rate, CA50, CA10, ringing intensity, indicated thermal efficiency  were detected. Beside this, the emissions of CO and HC were also given in the study. The experimental results showed that E15 didn’t significantly effect in-cylinder pressure and heat release rate and there have been slight increase compared to n-heptane. CA50 was retarded about 1.5 oCA  and indicated thermal efficiency increased about 3% with E15 at λ=2.5. Ringing intensity increased about 30%0 and HC emission decreased with the addition of 15% ethanol and 85% n-heptane fuel


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the ethanol on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder, port fuel injection HCCI engine was investigated. 15% ethanol and 85% n-heptane were blended. N-heptane was used as reference fuel. The experiments were performed at 1200 rpm and fix inlet air temperature of 60 oC. The parameters such as in-cylinder pressure, heat release rate, CA50, CA10, ringing intensity, indicated thermal efficiency  were detected. Beside this, the emissions of CO and HC were also given in the study. The experimental results showed that E15 didn’t significantly effect in-cylinder pressure and heat release rate and there have been slight increase compared to n-heptane. CA50 was retarded about 1.5 oCA  and indicated thermal efficiency increased about 3% with E15 at λ=2.5. Ringing intensity increased about 30% and HC emission decreased with the addition of 15% ethanol and 85% n-heptane fuel


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Engineering Perspective
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