Engineering Perspective

ISSN: 2757-9077

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Investigation of the Effects of CNC Tool Runout on Machining of 1.2379 Steel and Tool Life


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In the study, the effects of tool run-out caused by the CNC spindle mechanism on surface roughness, measurement accuracy, consumable expenses, maintenance costs and cutting tool life that may occur during the cutting process were investigated based on metal die manufacturing. Before starting the experimental studies, the machine spindle health was measured. Here, tool pulling force, 300 mm test bar run-out, inner conical run-out and spindle vibration values were examined and evaluated. According to the results obtained, the m3/life relationship was compared with the surface milling operation by eliminating the factors causing tool run-out before and after machine tool maintenance for cutting tool life. In order to examine the effect of run-out on surface roughness and measurement accuracy, the effect of run-out was examined and compared by applying outer contour and inner contour operations before and after maintenance with experimental studies. These operations were examined with 1.2379 steel, which is the most commonly used steel type in the metal die sector in terms of mechanical properties. The results showed that run-out has serious negative effects on the cutting process and cutting tool life, measurement accuracy and surface roughness. In operations performed with a healthy spindle after maintenance, the cutting tool life increased by an average of 40%, surface roughness and dimensional accuracy reached the desired levels. The stress during the machine operation decreased by an average of 15%.


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